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Parents' experiences with Dévény Method
Our son, Máté was born at 25 weeks (after a Caesarean section) without making a sound, in a very bad condition and a 2-4-7 Agar score. We were told that he would probably die the same day.
But Máté did not give up the fight! We did not hear his gentle voice for another 3 months as due to a series of pneumonias he was on mechanical ventilation, but he stayed alive. When he was 2 days old he suffered 2nd-degree, right-side cerebral haemorrhage. His saturation often showed very deep falls and his life was in danger for months. We were not allowed to hold him or hug him, the only thing we could do was to reach inside the incubator and caress him sometimes. He was subject to no other physical stimuli than that of doctors and nurses, slowing down his development even more. Although Máté was taken off mechanical ventilation after 3 months, he was only able to stay alive with the help of oxygen so he remained in intensive care until he was 5 months old.
Meanwhile he was diagnosed with infantile cerebral palsy, but the doctors did not know how severe it was. At the age of 5 months Máté hardly did anything. He clinched our finger if we put them in his hand, he was looking around and sucking on his pacifier – we were really happy about these back then, but we knew that his level of development was way behind his peers’. He was still on mechanical ventilation when we told Professor Dr Márta Katona, the head of the intensive care unit that we would like Máté to receive DSGM treatment. Gymnastics sessions could only be started when he was 4 and a half months old, when his condition became stable.The physiotherapist at the clinic had sessions with Máté 4-5 times a week. There seemed to be no progress for about a month and then from one day to another Máte started developing. He started to lift his head and to reach for objects.
Unfortunately he still needed extra oxygen, so after a long period of organisation we brought him home when he was 8 months old, installing a pulsoxymeter in out home. This was the time when Márta Kocsisné Benczédi, with whom we had been in contact for months, started working with Máté. Because Máté had to use the pulsoxymeter, in the beginning Márta came to us twice a week for the treatments. When there was no need for extra oxygen anymore we started visiting Márta, whose name we still keep praising because her work and dedication were the key to the miracle of our wonder kid.
Máté could first roll over by himself when he was 1 year old. He could stand on all fours when he was 15 months old, he could sit without help when he was 17 month old and started crawling when he was 18 months old. Slowly but steadily we reached the different stages of progress.
Máté is now two and a half years old and walks by himself. He speaks a lot, knows many nursery rhymes and is a wonderful little boy indeed. He still reacts to things a bit slowly, but hopefully his development will catch up with his peers’ soon. He has got every chance for it.
His doctors look at Máté as he was some kind of miracle because of his fight for survival and the level of development he reached despite that he nearly died. Many experts told me that they would have never thought he could regain his health to this extent.
I believe that Máté’s wonderful progress would have been impossible without DSGM. If a parent reacts in time and commissions the best experts with the treatment of their child, with Dévény Method the miracle will happen!
Our brief but edifying story started about a year ago. My son Benedek was 11 months old and he was still unable to sit alone and could not crawl either. Physically and mentally he was a healthy little boy. Upon our paediatrician’s recommendatipon we went to see a physiotherapist, who soon achieved great preogress in Benedek’s development by using the Dévény method.
The first session took place on 1 April 2003. My son was crying during the 60 minutes of gymnastics but I knew that he would profit from the treatment. In just three days he stood up in his cot bed holding on to the rails. In five days’ time he started crawling. He showed great interest in everything. After two weeks he was already standing alone – after a couple of minutes of balancing – for a few minutes and took his frist steps.
Benedek leraned to sit up alone on the day following the second treatment. 21 days after the frist gymnastics session he could sit up alone, crawl, stand up and walk holding on to the table. Hew was 13 months old when he started walking alone. My son is 21 months old now and he can walk up on the stairs to the 3rd floor, he never stops running and jumping, and he is a very smart kid too.
Thanks to Dévény method Benedek is more developed now than other children of his age – both physically and mentally.
My sixth child, Jákob was born on 21 November 2000. He was 3 weeks old when we received the result of genetic examination, according to which my son had Down syndrome. There was nothing really problematic about bringing him up. I was breastfeeding him and he was developing well, there were no problems with his internal organs. He learned to roll over in time. His progress stopped when he reached the 9th month. He only did the motions he had learned by that time (rolling over). I consulted a physiotherapist in Szeged and spoke abut my worries, but I was told that Jákob had a good posture and he would learn everything, there was no need to intervene in his development until the age of 2. I was shown how to teach him stand on all fours and that was all. When Jákob was one year old he started to crawl like a seal. Then his development was drawn to a halt again. When Jákob was 16 months old I got worried again and a friend of mine told me about a physiotherapist in Hódmezővásárhely who successfully treated her Down syndrome son. I called her on the phone and was told to go see her on 27 March 2002. This physiotherapist was Márta Kocsisné Benczédi, a pleasant-mannered lady who started the treatment of my son straight away. She told me what the essence of DSGM was, she told me why she was doing certain things and what I could expect in the near future, in which fields Jákob was expected to make progress.
On 31 March 2002 Jákob stood up in his cot without any help.
We saw Márta Kocsisné Benczédi once a week and my son’s progress was taking giant leaps. On 16 April 2002 Jákob started taking steps if we held his hand. His attention span improved and his mental development also took a positive turn. Four weeks after the first treatment, on 25 April 2002 he sat up. I also registered in my diary that he was using 9 recognisable words.
On 12 August 2002 he started crawling on all fours and by this time he could stand up if holding on to something. One month later, when he was 22 months old Jákob took his first steps by himself. When he was 24 months old we were already walking to the nearby grocery store together.
In the period between December 2003 and January 2004 there was a break (holidays, bad weather conditions), and I wrote in my diary: ‘I really miss therapeutic gymnastics. Jákob’s development has stopped. He does not want to walk. He is weaker and less attentive.’
Jákob is now 3 years old. He is toilet-trained and he moves quickly. He is jumping around on two legs, he does somersaults and he can pull himself up when holding on to the chair’s armrest. He knows innumerable words and is easy to understand when he speaks, his 3-word sentences are correct. He recognises names and groups primary colours. He can pay attention as long as 40 minutes. Based on his abilities, he was admitted to a kindergarten for normal children, which he starts in September.
At the moment we only take him to the physiotherapist and to the crèche – we do not need to see other specialists. I believe that therapeutic gymnastics was a point of development in his life, without which we could not have reached this big a success.
My third daughter was born at 39 weeks after relatively normal labour with a 10/10 Apgar score, but the umbilical cord was twisted around her neck. Her hip screening detected a minor narrowing (85-85 degrees), about which the doctor said it was curable with a bit of gymnastics.
After these antecedents I thought everything was alright. A health visitor regularly came to us and the paediatrician said my daughter was developing normally. However, I found it strange that Alice was a bit too calm and quiet, we could not see her neck and she always cried when we turned her on her stomach. This was visible on her head because it deformed – it got a bit flat as she was always lying on her back. I could not help feeling something was wrong and consulted a neurologist, who examined Alice and the diagnosis was uneven muscle tone, dyscrania-brachycephalia. It also turned out that her hip narrowing was related to these problems.
Fortunately we started working with a physiotherapist in time and this was the time when I first learned about Dévény Method. Regular exercise was really hard work for Alice and for me because psychologically it was very difficult to cope with her crying during exercise. But hard work bore fruit and in hindsight I can say it was really worth it: my 10-month old daughter can now roll over, crawl and is just about to start walking.
I am really grateful to the inventor of the method and to Márta! I would like to grab the opportunity and tell all my fellow parents that they are responsible for their babies. If their inner voice keeps saying something is wrong they should listen to it. This warning does not come by accident and they must not retreat until they find out what it is all about.
Our son, Balázs was born at 33 weeks weighing 1940 grams, with a grave infection and in oxygen-deprived condition. For 4 days he was on mechanical ventilation and spent the first 3 weeks in an incubator. After medical examinations it was revealed that there was a 14x11x14 mm cyst in my son’s brain, and the doctor informed us that a possible complication of this is hydrocephalus.
We were devastated by the news: Why him? This little creature did not harm anyone. Why does fate punish us? – we kept asking similar questions endlessly.
Balázs was 5 weeks old when we brought him home. At the clinic they started therapeutic gymnastics with him using the Dévény Method, which we continued on a regular basis at the Dévény Method for the Disabled Foundation in Hódmezővásárhely.
His progress was spectacular and due to regular exercise people who did not know about his illness did not see anything unusual about him. His posture improved and his fist, which in the beginning was constantly clenched, became normally toned. He started to roll over and crawl in due time, he caught up with his peers in his development!
Balázs now has his 1st birthday behind him and he is a happy, attentive baby with a good appetite. He walks alone, doorsteps and stairs are no obstacle to him. He is a real perpetuum mobile and a cheeky little boy. At the last control examination the cyst was not visible. There is no need for further treatment or therapeutic gymnastics. We believe that this success is the result of using Dévény Method and the expertise of Márta Kocsisné Benczédi.
Our first child, Niki was born at 37 weeks on 7 February 2004, weighing 3380 grams. Because of long labour (15 hours) and a long expulsion period, oxygen deprivation occurred. After-birth examinations indicated weak reflexes and fluctuating circulatory values, so she was transported to the Paediatric Clinic in Szeged. Thanks to their expertise, Niki’s condition started ameliorating in a couple of hours and soon she was breathing by herself. We brought her home when she was 2 weeks old. At the clinic they recommended therapeutic gymnastics as a follow-up treatment, which we started when Niki was 3 weeks old.
Niki’s posture, motions and general condition did not really improve by the time she was 5-6 months old. Her body was toneless, her lower limbs were hanging twisted, her arms were weak, she did not grab things and did not reach for her toys. Her little face was always sad, she was not cooing, did not have facial expressions and was just looking with her lips hanging down. She only liked to lie on her back, she would not stay on her stomach, she was crying. She did not eat much, still she seemed fat and very wobbly.
As a last resort, when she was 8 months old we contacted the Dévény Method for the Disabled Foundation in Hódmezővásárhely. 60-minute treatments twice a week brought significant improvement after a couple of occasions. Niki got to like lying on her stomach, she started to roll over, soon she was crawling all over the flat. By the time she was 1 year old she stood up, she was taking steps while holding on to something and was up to all kinds of mischief. Now she is walking alone. She keeps moving and talking, she only stays put when she is asleep.
We hope that the effects of the first couple of months will disappear without a trace and our daughter will develop healthily and happily in the future as well.
We wish similar improvement to all the other babies who were born with disorders.
Our first child Réka was born at 38 weeks, weighing 2380 grams, with a Caesarean section. After the mandatory hip screening we were told that ‘on the right side her hip is not developed enough and there is a small deformation on the femoral head’, so we were advised to start therapeutic gymnastics. We had to wait for weeks before the tertament started on 3 September 2009.
My daughter was crying all the time throughout the sessions but I knew that the treatment would improve her condition, so I made great effort not to cry with her. For four months we went to the gymnastics twice a week, but there were no positive signs. Most of the time Réka was just lying in her cot; she played with one toy or two only, she was not active, she never turned around in the cot, she did not like to lie on her tummy if we put her inside in that position. I was only breastfeeding her in the first 7 months, then we started giving her food too. She did not eat much, she did not accept vegetables at all but she liked fruits. She ony pooped every 3-4 days. I was desperate so I decided to ask for help. My neghbour’s daughter told me about the Dévény Method for the Disabled Foundation Hódmezővásárhely.
We could see the changes in Réka already after the first treatment: she became more balanced and she always pooped in the evening. Since than she poops 2-3 times a day, she eats well and tries food she rejected before (carrot, squash, etc.), and she has been gaing weight. She moves better too, first she started turning in one direction and after the 4th session she did it in both directions. Réka now likes to lie on her tummy and holds up her head really nicely.
Réka has turned into a happy baby who never stops smiling. We are very optimistic about her further development and I am very grateful to everyone for their help!
Barnabás will soon be 1 year old. By the time he turned 9 months old he had learned everything a baby of his age has to do: hold up his head, turn around, use his hands, hold small objects, pull himself along on his tummy using his forearms. Actually he was doing it so well like he was a little Indian, he could easily get anywhere in the flat, one moment he was here and in the next he turned up somewhere else. Soon he could sit. The only things missing were crawling and standing. These two things somehow did not work for him. Some people said that we should not worry as not all children are crawling, while others told us that missing the crawling phase would cause many problems later. We consulted doctors and physiotherapists but nobody could give an answer satisfying enough for us. Finally we got in touch with the Dévény Method for the Disabled Foundation in Hódmezővásárhely. They started treating Barnabás.
The first 60-minute session was a very special experience for both of us. At first my son was coping with the gymnastics well but after a while he started crying more and more. I knew that the exercises were absolutely necessary but I was heartbroken to see Barnabás’ desperation. I wanted to hug him and hold him in my arms but the treatment could not be stopped.
Very soon there were excellent results. The following day my son started crawling and he switched from pulling himself along on his tummy to crawling more and more often. After a week he was crawling only and on the 3rd day after the trearment he stood up. It is unbelievable that one session was enough for him to start doing those things we have been waiting for such a long time.