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Dévény Method
Dévény Special Manual Technique & Gymnastics Method (abbreviated as DSGM) is a new therapeutic method in motion rehabilitation proven by several decades of practical experience. It builds on a new approach, applies radically new technical elements and implementation, therefore it opens new, previously unknown opportunities in medication.
This original therapeutical method has been developed by physiotherapist and rhythmic gymnastics coach Anna Dévény since 1976, based on the experiences of her two professions.
At present this patented method is approved and needed by public health professionals as well. It can be learned at the Medical Further Education University within the framework of a post-graduate special training course for physiotherapists.
DSGM covers two main fields of application.
DSGM I.: Special Manual Technique (abbreviated as SMT)
SMT is a manual technique completely different from massage: this therapeutic method does not exclusively focus on muscles and it concentrates greatly on tendons and fascia, the thin coat that covers tendon-muscle units.
There are three main effects of its application:
- Releasing contractures (muscle shortenings, articular shrinkage)
- Normalising the position of muscles
- Direct stimulation of the nervous system
DSGM II.: Analytic Gymnastics (abbreviated as AG)
Analytic gymnastics uses the approach, method and exercises of rhythmic gymnastics for a correctional purpose in the forms of individual active gymnastics and group training accompanied with music.
Besides correction it also aims at creating conscious, precise, practical and harmonic motion, taking into consideration the limitations imposed by the injury.
The two fields of activity are based on common basic principles and there is a close correlation between them. In the course of the therapy, we apply these two fields of activity tailored to the needs of the individual and to the type of the disorder.
Dévény Method is a complex motion rehabilitation practice that does not require the use of any complimentary methods. On the contrary: if it is mixed with methods that are foreign to its perspective and practice, Dévény Method becomes less efficient. If regular treatment is started as early as possible – already in the incubator if possible – there is no need for gymnastics done by the parents at home.
Healed infants and children can practice the same type of physical activities as their peers (swimming, ballgames, horseback riding, jazz ballet, etc.).
The application and efficiency of DSGM
The method can be applied effectively in any field of motion disorder for both children and adults.
It is uniquely successful in healing natal brain damage (cerebral paresis, CP). Experiences indicate that by using Dévény Special Manual Technique 75-80% of premature infants and infants born with damaged central nervous systems are either curable (normal movement and life) or their condition can significantly be improved. In the healing of these children early treatment is of crucial importance: treatment must be started within 4 months in the case of infants with a decreased muscular tension (hypotonia), and within 2 months in the case of infants with an increased muscular tension because the reserves of the brain must be started up.
Using the method in the case of other neurological deformations, traumatological after-treatments, orthopaedic cases and rheumatological illnesses results in motions of better quality in a significantly shorter period of time, offering a more complete recovery.
A few sentences about pain. In any age and because of any type of disorder, the pathological functioning of the locomotive apparatus and the irregular position of joints or muscles can cause pain and a general feeling of ill-health for patients. They cannot get used to this pain and they cannot put an end to it, and with the passing of time the intensity of pain is growing. Pain is an indication of the fact that something is wrong with the human organism, therefore DSGM treatments – just like any other type of health-restoring treatment – are accompanied with a certain level of pain, which eases or disappears when the patient’s condition improves.
As for the treatment of infants, babies may start crying during the treatment because they do not know the therapist, because of the unfamiliar environment or the change in the daily routine (eating and sleeping periods). The presence of their parents, their comforting and the cautiously performed treatment reduce the pain felt by infants to the minimum.