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Questions and answers about Dévény method…
Telephone: +36-30- 635-37-54
Probably you do have reasons to be worried. But on the one hand, doing health treatment is an activity that requires professional training. It is not right to make treating their babies the parents’ task because it would just put more mental burden on them – in a situation when they are already desperate or anxious.
On the other hand, gymnastics done when the babies have spastic muscle tones and irregularly positioned tendons only makes things worse.
The special manual technique applied using the Dévény method corrects the irregularities in the connective tissue structure of the muscles and tendons, making healthy motion possible again. A specially trained therapist (DSGM rehabilitation physiotherapist) does the therapeutic work and parents do not have to do any exercises with their babies at home. Treatments done 1-2 times a week can easily fit into the natural weekly routine of babies. If therapeutic gymnastics are done many times a day, the daily routine of both babies and the whole family are disturbed. Our experience is that doing exercises with the babies more often than 1-2 times a week does not result in faster or better-quality improvement in their condition. Stimulating the nervous system and motion development have their own pace. It is the therapist who can tell how the treatments should be scheduled, based on the stages of development. All in all: the development process cannot be narrowed down to a question of treatment frequency.
This is a very important observation. In the first 4-5 months, when newborns only do reflex movements and they are not supposed to do voluntary ones, most of the time it is the parents who notice the signs of later motion disorders (e.g. head tilted to one side, asymmetric limb use, irregular muscle tones, etc.). It is key to notice early signs because the earlier a therapy starts, the bigger the chance for recovery. The reason of this is that the human brain has reserve capacity which if not used disappears with time. Our therapy can be the most successful if we manage to make use of this reserve capacity.
As for lying on tummy: babies are unable to raise their heads if their neck muscles are weak (reduced muscle tone). This problem cannot be solved by simply having the baby lie on their tummy all the time. On the contrary, no normal movement is possible if the muscles work improperly (e.g. low muscle tone). If such babies are forced to do certain movements, the disorder only gets worse, reducing the chances of the baby’s recovery. These disorders in the muscles, tendons and connective tissue cannot be corrected with the help of the parents. Luckily, by using the manual technique Anna Dévény developed these errors can be corrected once and for all, making healthy movement possible for these babies. My advice is to contact a specialist if such problems occur.
The special manual technique (SMT) used for treating changes in the connective tissue and for directly stimulating the nervous system is generally applied 1-2 times a week, in the form of 50-60 minute training sessions. If the treatment is started early (in the first 5 months of the baby’s life) positive signs can be detected already after 3-5 sessions. The frequency of treatments can be reduced after the baby’s movements reached the development level of their age – in certain cases the treatments may even stop. In the case of adults 1-2 sessions a week are enough. After 3-5 treatments therapy can be ended in many cases, while in other cases it is best if so-called follow-up treatments are applied once a month in order to preserve the improved condition.
Locomotor disorders (e.g.: rheumatoid and orthopaedic diseases) make tendon movement difficult or in certain cases they even block it, resulting in pathological changes in the muscles and tendon tissues (painful knots, retractions). This unique treatment method does not focus on the painful process of learning the movements and practicing them: instead of this, the Dévény method first applies a manual technique to correct the errors in the connective tissue. After this mechanical obstacle to the movement has been removed comes the second phase of the treatment, active gymnastic exercise tailored to the age and condition of the patient. Excellent results can be achieved with such treatment, for instance in the case of painful shoulder muscle retraction, disorders of the spinal column in the neck and waist area, post-treatment of broken bones and after various operations.